
Andres Jimenez

Latin American Rhythms and Melodies

In this class We will learn how to play some of the main rhythms of Colombian Folklore like Cumbia, Porro and Bullerengue on the drum and keyboard as well as other percussion instruments. We will also learn how to play some of Brazilian and Cuban rhythms and melodies.

Hello! This is my story.

I am Andres Jimenez I live in Queens New York since 2009. I spend most of my time producing songs and traveling throughout the world sharing my music with other people who seem very receptive to my rhythms. My music infuses elements of traditional rhythms and melodies of Colombia with the psychedelic sounds of Caribbean music, Jazz, rock, soul and Trap. I am also interested in the history of traditional music of Latin America, specially of Colombia the country I was born in. As of lately, I am learning how to grow food on my building’s roof top.

My Education

City College of New York
BA (2016)

My Experience

Brienza Edu Care 2016-Present
Music Instructor
Music Performer