Journey to Self Love
Class Description
During this course, we will discuss three key concepts to assist you on your own personal Journey. Self Love, Self Care, & Self Awareness are all important when learning how to release, let go and trust the divine source. Once you learn to love yourself, all else will come to you.
I will pour into your cup as I pour into my own. Real life experiences will be shared. Real life topics/scenarios will be discussed. And real advice, tips, suggestions, affirmations, opinions, and words of encouragement will be given.
I invite you to come and grow with me. Allow yourself to love so that you may thrive on this planet we call Earth. My one wish for this world, is UNITY! So allow this class to show you how to build the commune. Peace.
Class Requirements
Be open.
Release Judgment.
Be Impeccable with your word.
Try not to take things personally.
Do your best at everything you do.
Express Gratitude.
Be Truthful.
Be You.
Class Supplies
Anything that allows you to take notes, record the discussion, or keep tabs on what is spoken.
Why should I believe what you have to say?
Believe in yourself. I am only asking that you learn to love yourself, as I am constantly learning to do this everyday.
How old are you? You look very young.
I am quite young, but my soul has lived longer. 24 in human years, but infinity in my lifetime.
Where can I learn more?
Ask and you shall find, seek and you will forever be looking.