Revolutionary Filmmaking

Revolutionary Filmmaking

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Class Description


As an award-winning documentary filmmaker specializing in sharing stories of revolution, brings a unique perspective to his teaching role. Drawing from experiences, including filming "The Square" during the Egyptian revolution, and "The Great Hack" about the whistleblower behind Cambridge Analytica, he guides aspiring filmmakers in crafting impactful stories for diverse audiences. Emphasizing the importance of handling trauma and inspiring action, his classes delve into narrative structure, pacing, and visual language. Additionally, Christopher integrates ethics, derived from personal encounters like facing political charges and witnessing repercussions for fellow filmmakers and characters on screen. The curriculum explores the risks and consequences, equipping students with technical skills and a profound awareness of their responsibilities as agents of change in revolutionary filmmaking.


Class Requirements


Watch this trailer and ideally, the movie:


Class Supplies

No Schedules Currently Available.