Wine Pairings with Chef Niko
Beginners Level
1 video, 1 audio, 1 reading
Audio: Listening Exercise
Graded: Cumulative Language Quiz
Intermediate Level
2 videos, 1 audio, 1 reading
Audio: Listening Exercise
Video: Collocations for Job Interview
Graded: Cumulative Language Quiz

Wine Pairings with Chef Niko

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Class Description


For each class, Chef Niko will teach his students the ways in which a great food and wine pairing creates a balance between the components of a dish and the characteristics of a wine. These interactive classes will speak on the advantages of the sweet, acidic and intense wines, along with the differences between congruent pairings and contrasting pairings.


Class Requirements


We are looking for students who have an interest in growing a more sophisticated palate. Pairings help you learn the basis of the flavor nuances of food, and how the proper wine can add more enjoyment to your senses.


Class Supplies


Before the class begins, you will be given a list of the wines and flavored ingredients you will need to participate along with Chef Niko. You will need a laptop or phone that allows Zoom, and a kitchen in which to prepare and interact.



How long is the class?

The class is 2 hours, per day, Monday thru Thursday.

Should I have taken another class before this?

Not at all.

How expensive will the wine be?

The cost of each bottle of wine will be under $10. The point of this class is to show you how to enjoy wine everyday, not just for special occasions.

Will the food ingredients be expensive?

Through Chef Niko’s experience of owning restaurants, and feeding large numbers of hungry people, he has the knowledge to create inexpensive mealings without sacrificing the quality, and quantity, of the meal.

No Schedules Currently Available.