Nasar Ahmad
Life Coach, Lawyer & Screenwriter
I am a New York based, Nigerian born, Pakistani life coach, screenwriter and lawyer who spent the past fifteen years between London, Karachi and Muscat. At heart, I am a universal soul threaded together by Eastern spirituality and Western pragmatism.
My story.
Growing up in an orthodox religious community, I was expected to get married, find a corporate job and practice my faith without questioning it. For many years, I did what others expected of me, but deep within, a voice kept telling me that I was not being true to my authentic self. I was so afraid, but I followed that voice and it brought me home to myself.
I had thought that walking away from an unloving marriage and the only community I had ever known would be the hardest thing I would ever do in my life, until the day I decided to give up a lucrative career as a corporate lawyer to pursue my passion for storytelling in New York.
As I was reconstructing my life, I stumbled upon my inner coach – a treasure trove of power, wisdom and love – that I could turn to for abundance and joy. It felt like I struck oil in my backyard! I feel happiest when other people discover their own treasure, just as I did. It will be my absolute pleasure and an honor to walk with you on this journey.
I feel strongly about diversity and representation of marginalized people. The coaching profession and coach training institutes have historically enshrined norms of white supremacy and Eurocentric ideals of perfection into the standards and competencies of coaching. It is time that people of color take control of our own narrative and define our techniques, ideals and standards. As Audre Lorde said, the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.