
Kelly Miller

International Whistleblower

Kelly Miller is a legendary Masonic Blackball Buster from the eastern Kentucky coal mountains Internationally known for Whistleblowing on FBI, law enforcement and government corruption she has personally experienced in a directly targeted inhumane illegal Masonic Blackball. Despite extreme adversity of homelessness and being forced to live on zero dollars for over 9 years due to her Masonic abusers retaliation to silence her Miller has become a international hero to those who believe in Justice.

Kelly Miller Masonic Blackball Buster

I am a sassy country girl from the eastern Kentucky coal mountains internationally known for exposing
group targeted violent inhuman criminal activity
including but not limited to sex trafficking, rape, violent physical assaults, illegal arrest, withholding of basic constitutional rights, inhumane treatment and living conditions including numerous human right violations in an illegal targeted Masonic Blackball by Whistleblowing on FBI, law enforcement and Government corruption.

* 2020 U.S. delegate to United Nation Summit

* 2019 Universal Periodic Review to United Nations

* 2018 National Whistleblower on FBI, Law
Enforcement and Government Corruption

* 2018 USHRN (FIHRE) Fellow – Fighting Injustice
through Human Rights Education

* 2018 Created National annual Environmental
Justice EPA Homelessness Grant

* 2015 Filed Federal litigation in DC courts

* 2013 WON GUILTY Verdict in Kentucky CRIMINAL
courts against the Commonwealth of Kentucky for
RICO Act Violations

* 2011 Targeted Masonic Blackball Identified

My Education

Masters Counseling
Morehead State University
Masters Adult Education
Morehead State University

My Experience

2020 US delegate to United Nations Summit in Geneva
US Human Rights Network
2018 National Whistleblower FBI, Law Enforcement and Government
National Whistleblower