Keith Manning
Instructor: Keith Manning
Nice to meet you! My name is Keith. I am a husband and stay-at-home-dad of two growing boys(6 and 9). I have been playing a musical instrument for over 20 years, and like most, I am always learning. It humbles me greatly to pass on the musical wisdom that's been gifted to me throughout the years, and I look forward to watching each of my student's progress through their journey of self-reflection and musical creativity.
Get Relaxed, Gain Rhythm
After spending 3 tours(Iraq(x2), Afghanistan) in the United States Armed Forces, I found that combining music with mindfulness and stress management was the best route for dealing with my random daily stress. As a father, I feel it’s important to be able to teach my boys on the best ways to deal with stress and failures by understanding their mistakes as a valuable lesson, and not a life ender. That is why I decided to teach music, because music is a forgiving teacher; Arguably the most inspiring.
As a percussion/mindfulness instructor, it is my job to teach your child the ways of beating a drum in time, and calmly. Let me say that word again, calmly. The pursuit to master “calm” is a virtuous one, and is a pursuit of many great things. When you mix calm with a musical instrument, the flow of creativity and creation present itself. Add a little tension, and like a kink in a hose, the flow stops. It is my mission to train your child to stay calm and practice patience and body control, all while learning the best instrument ever created.