
Gabriele Schlumpberger

Healing Touch Certified Practitioner, Life Coach, Energy Worker

Drawing on a wealth of experience totaling over 35 years in the field of energy therapy, Gabriele Schlumpberger and Sarah Sherbenou have cultivated a profound knowledge base. We are eager to impart our extensive knowledge on various topics such as energetic aspects of Covid, vaccines, and beyond.

Welcome! We are glad you are HERE!

Gabriele Schlumpberger, BSECE, HTCP, LBMT, Be Conscious Creator and Schmico Metod Practitioner/Instructor , Life Coach and Natural Health Consultant. She is always searching for the newest knowledge and energy release practice in order to improve the care she can provide for her clients. She has a private practice specializing in empowering clients dealing with Covid, Long Covid, Vaccine concerns, Stress, Trauma, Depression, and various mental and physical issues, guiding them on a transformative journey to reclaim control over their well-being and life.

Sarah Sherbenou, BSN-RN, HTCP is a Healing Touch and Schmico Method Practitioner and Life Coach. With a childhood enriched by holistic experiences, and nine years of expertise in Healing Touch along with other modalities, Sarah offers her clientele a truly distinctive, ever-expanding approach to healing and well-being, assisting them in regaining their love for their life song. She has a private practice specializing in Covid/Long Covid, Vaccine side effects and in supporting clients through times of stress, trauma, and many other difficulties.

In 2020, amidst the transformative changes brought about by the pandemic, Gaby and Sarah joined forces, embarking on a collaborative journey. Together, they created the workshop “Moving Beyond the Symptoms and Trauma – Managing Covid, Long Covid, and Vaccines” to offer comprehensive support in navigating the pandemic’s aftermath. Beyond this workshop, our commitment to knowledge-sharing extends to topics like the Wellbeing Seminar. Our overarching mission is to facilitate healing and empowerment for individuals and to assist them to love their life song again. Stay tuned for upcoming workshops, such as one on Power Animals.

My Education

Healing Touch Certification Governing Committee
Healing Touch Certified Practitioner - 2017
Cornelia Schmiedeberg
Schmico-Method Practitioner - 2018
Empower Productions, Inc
Life Coach - 2011

My Experience

Self - employed
Since 2017
Private Practice
Energy Worker and Life Coach
Workshop Facilitator
Since 2021