The Foundations of Good Web Design

The Foundations of Good Web Design

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Class Description


We will be learning The foundations of designing a well thought out website. From concept to creation we will go through a workflow from blueprint to implementation of your idea. At the end of the class you will have created a live website for personal or business use.


Class Requirements


basic knowledge of using a computer
basic knowledge of internet browser


Class Supplies


Laptop or Desktop
Good internet connection
Text Editor Such as Note pad



What is a Text Editor?

A text editor is a program on you computer that allows you to create and edit a range of programming language files. AKA this is the place where you write your code!

Which Text Editors do you recommend?

You can use the ones native to your computer; Note Pad for Windows and TextEdit for Mac. For ones with more feature such as color coding I recommend Brackets or Visual Studio; both are free.

Can i use a chrome book?

Yes, a chromebook is more then adequate for this class.

Can i use a website template?

Yes, we will be learning a variety of ways to build a website including using a template.

Can I use an Ipad for this class?

Technically the answer is Yes. I would recommend having access to a physical keyboard starting out.

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