The Beginner’s Guide to Entrepreneurship Made Easy

The Beginner’s Guide to Entrepreneurship Made Easy

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Class Description


Hi Everyone,
I am excited that you are interested in learning more about taking control of your employment and financial futures!
This is a serious but very simple, logical, academic course that consists of 4, one-hour classes taught on Saturdays, so you can complete the course in one month.
My course is unique because it is an introductory level course designed to help you to start your own business quickly and with very little financial outlay. However, I will also show you how to grow your business to whatever level you desire. I call my course, a "small, small business class."
Let me give you an example. Let’s say you want to start a full-service,100 seat restaurant business. That would require months of planning, securing a building, etc. plus a $50,000 to $100,000 initial investment.
My student will start off with a hot dog cart and some business cards… but with his or her eyes constantly set on that dream restaurant!
Contact me with any questions.


Class Requirements


The main requirements for an entrepreneur to become successful are a dream, a passion and a commitment, so that’s all that is required for this class. No previous business education is necessary.
And, there is no age limit on a dream!


Class Supplies


All you will need is a method to take notes.


No Schedules Currently Available.