The Mayan Calendar (Tzolkin) for Personal & Spiritual Growth
Class Description
This class is a basic breakdown of the 260 day Sacred Count known as the Mayan Calendar or the Tzolk’in.
We will be going through each of the Mayan glyphs breaking down the tones and sun signs into understandable concepts and words creating a simple and fun way to integrate this energy into your daily life.
I have been working with this calendar for far over a decade now and it has helped me along my path so much that I am now putting together a Tzolk’in daily journal for 2022. If you have found your way to this page then perhaps the Tzolk’in seeks you~
Class Requirements
An interest in this topic.
Class Supplies
Paper and something to write with if you wish to take notes.
Is this a religious calendar?
Yes the Tzolk’in is a religious calendar of the Maya Civilization, however we will be working with it on a spiritual level for personal growth, conscious expansion and self-empowerment.