Script Writing
Class Description
This class will teach the student to take an idea for a movie and brainstorm that idea. During brainstorming, the student will learn how create a storyline and plotting. How to make a beat sheet and format a script. Recognize what makes a good protagonist and antagonist. The student will learn character development and arcing, as well as different types of conflict to integrate into the development of the characters and the storyline. How to write dialogue and edit that dialogue. Students will also learn how to protect their work and how to possibly gain notoriety. At the end of all of this, the student will have the ability formulate a concept for a movie and write a full length script.
Class Requirements
Student will need to have access to a computer, as well as access to a word processing program (Microsoft Word or Apple Pages) to be able to type out class assignments and projects.
Class Supplies
A notebook and writing utensil.
Do I need to have prior experience?
No. No experience is required.
What kind of information is offered in this course?
The information offered in this course is a entry level/beginners. More advanced courses will be offered later on.