Photography Simplified

Photography Simplified

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Class Description


In this photography course you will learn basics of camera operation and what settings can be used to get specific results within your final image. I am a nikon focused photographer but all camera makes and models can be used in the same way. We will set up the camera to be used in manual mode. As we set the camera up to manual mode we will cover other setting options and what they do.


Class Requirements


ANY DSLR or Mirrorless


Class Supplies





What camera do I need?

Any basic DSLR or Mirrorless DSLR will work – must have an option or MANUAL mode.

What if I don't own a camera?

Most of this course will require you have a camera in your hand to follow along, but if you don’t own a camera you are more than welcome to follow along.

Do I need to have any prior experience for this course?

NO! This is the perfect stating place to learn how to use your camera. Welcome to the basics of photography!

No Schedules Currently Available.