Painting with James

Painting with James

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Class Description


Come experience the joy of painting as we create fun dynamic landscapes and still life artworks. Each session we will produce 2-3 dynamic paintings and have fun while building some basic painting skills at the same time!


Class Requirements


The only requirement is that you have access to the supplies listed below, and a nice bright space to work.


Class Supplies


-A set of Acrylic Brushes( a large flat, a medium round, and a small round ),


-9 x 12 canvas or illustration board.


– A basic set of acrylics primary colors (ie Black, White, Red, Blue, and Yellow ) is fine.


– Two wells to store water. Old cups are fine


– Paper towels





Can beginners take this class?

Yes! This class is designed to foster a love and appreciation for the medium of painting and meet people where they are.

How many sessions is the class?

Each class is six weeks. During this time we aim to produce between 2-3 studies of dynamic landscape paintings, or still life depending on the session.

How Long is each class and how much per class.

Answer Each class is 2 hours long and costs 50.00 per individual class.

Are drop-ins welcome?

Yes! We do accept drop-ins.

No Schedules Currently Available.