Do a home energy audit. Save yourself $ and the planet.
Class Description
Let’s squeeze the waste out of your home’s energy usage. The goal of this course will include the following :
1 – Measure and reduce Energy Consumption in your home by 25 to 33 per cent, as a result of this class.
2 – Discuss Energy Conservation measures, as well as help plan long term upgrades to modernize ‘your old house’
3 – Describe, based on available time, what it would take to make your residence a ‘zero energy’ building.
4 – Have some fun. Small projects to help the kids understand electricity, as well to safely use it.
5- On day one, attempt to pay for the cost of this course through Energy Savings.
Class Requirements
There really aren’t any. If you go to a library, take out a book that has all those electric formulas: Volts, resistance, Amps. Needed ones will be covered in the class. I took a Learn to be an Electrician course before starting to work in the Renewable Energy Field.
Class Supplies
Computer, a printer, and some notebook paper. Download and install for your home energy audit. Openoffice has a spreadsheet to collect data. Microsoft word/spreadsheet is a little better.
How much is the cost for the course?
Its listed in the area when you enroll. One thing about this course. On day one, I’m going to cover several Energy Conservation Measures, to cover the costs of this course. The payback will come when your energy bills are reduced.
Take this course! We'll explain what those round Cylinders are on the telephone poles.
A hint: industry standard electrical practices.
Any other questions?
E-mail me at Make certain to put CLASS QUESTION in the header, to insure its not deleted as spam. I’ll also be sending forms and learning aids throughout the course.