1000-01: Holistic Metaphysics

1000-01: Holistic Metaphysics

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Class Description


Holistic Metaphysics will explore concepts of ontology and holistic self-efficacy practices.


Class Requirements


Course textbooks.
Other applicable support sources, when applicable and directed.
Word processor program for notes-taking (optional).


Class Supplies


Coffey, P. (1914). Ontology. London, New York: Longmans, Green and Co.


Smith, N. (n.d.). Introduction to philosophy. https://openstax.org/books/introduction-philosophy/pages/1-introduction



Where can I find the course textbooks?

You may locate the main course textbook (Coffey, 1914) via the Internet Archive at the following link: https://archive.org/details/cu31924028942070/mode/2up


We will also use a secondary source (available via OpenStax): Smith, N. (n.d.). Introduction to philosophy . https://openstax.org/books/introduction-philosophy/pages/1-introduction

What do I need for this class?

You do not need anything other than an internet-connected computer and/or smart device with internet access. Whether you elect to use a desktop/laptop or a smart device, please ensure you have a working headphones/microphone set. We will be using a private Zoom call for class. Invite links will be sent upon class registration.


The course textbooks and other applicable sources are copyright-free public domain resources and are available online for free access.


For your benefit, it will be helpful for you to use a word processor program to take notes for your later review.

Why Would I Want to Learn About Holistic Metaphysics?

You will learn about new ways of thinking that may help you towards a more enriched understanding of yourself, others and your relationship thereto, as well as explore deeper questions about life, and reality, itself.

How Long Is This Class?

Five (5) weeks, held every Saturday at 6-7:30 P.M. MST (UTC-24:00).

Will There Be Other Classes?

Yes, there will be other classes dealing with topic areas such as philosophy, psychology, and sociology, among other areas.


1000-01: Holistic Metaphysics is a prerequisite, foundations course which must be taken first.

Will I Receive a Certificate for Completing the Class?

Yes, you will receive a Certificate of Completion .pdf.


Please note: The Certificate of Completion is not an official document and should not be presented to a higher-education institution nor any professional organizations, such as using the Certificate of Completion as a resource document that supports an application.

No Schedules Currently Available.