Fashion Illustration
Beginners Level
1 video, 1 audio, 1 reading
Audio: Listening Exercise
Graded: Cumulative Language Quiz
Intermediate Level
2 videos, 1 audio, 1 reading
Audio: Listening Exercise
Video: Collocations for Job Interview
Graded: Cumulative Language Quiz

Fashion Illustration

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Class Description


In Fashion Illustration you will learn how to sketch and stylize or design your croquis doll, and apply clothing on the croquis. You will learn to also color forecast for upcoming seasons 2021/2022. Also, you will learn how to render up your croqui doll fashion sketches to enhance contrast, details, basic textiles, and define your own personal fashion illustration style. The materials learned in my class room are the real-world techniques as applied to the fashion industry, and sketching your own clothing line. Look forward to having you in Fashion Illustration!


Class Requirements




Class Supplies


Three (3) #2 Pencils, with pencil sharpener or 5 automatic pencils, Sketch pad 11×17 (Strathmore) $5.38 Walmart, Pentel Hi-Polymer White Eraser Staples 1.99, Prismacolor Pencils can be bought seperately or in a metal tin. You may choose the colors you like best for clothing illustration. Try to choose a flesh color for the skin if possible, brown,beige,pinks, or golds. Print outs of croquis sketch dolls will be provided, and e-mailed to students. Thanks!


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