Programming in Python
Class Description
This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming in Python. We will cover the basics of how one can construct a program successfully from a series of simple instructions in Python.The course has no pre-requisites, so anyone with moderate computer experience should be able to master the curriculum of this course. A student will be ready to take more advanced programming courses in Python once they have covered this course entirely. This course covers Python3.
You will learn about how to use variables, repeated execution, conditional execution and how we use functions in Python.
Class Requirements
There are no pre-requisites to the course. All you need is enthusiasm to learn this incredible language!
Class Supplies
A good wifi and a laptop or PC
Does the program have any pre-requisites?
No, there are no pre-requisites.
How long will the course be?
7-8 weeks (if the student is giving about 2 hours per week)
How long will each class be?
The class can be anywhere from 1 hour to 1.5 hours depending