Beginning Comedy Improvisation or “Comedy Improv”

Beginning Comedy Improvisation or “Comedy Improv”

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Class Description


Beginning Comedy Improv starts by allowing the individual to remove the filters of adulthood, by exercising and flexing their brain. You’ll learn to embrace the power of “YES!”, create a physical space which you can truly see in your head, and engage with scene-mates, while allowing the scene to unfold before your own eyes. It’s simply Magic!


Class Requirements


MUST be willing to laugh out loud, using your full body.


Class Supplies


One sense of humor- used or new.



Who should try Comedy Improv?

EVERYONE! Not only is it a blast, but it will open up your creative mind, relieve stress, and prompt you to make lifelong friends.

What should I wear?

While a strapless gown, and boa are always in style, you’d likely want to wear something comfortable, in which you can easily move.

What if I have physical limitations?

Comedy Improv can be done at any physical level. I’d be more concerned if you had “humor” limitations…

What's the difference between improv comedy, and sketch comedy?

Great question!


Sketch comedy is a planned piece, with either a fully fleshed out script, or specific points of comedy that the actors attempt to hit.


Comedy improvisation is….you guessed it….improvised on the spot. Most scenes are done by getting suggestions from the audience or fellow class members. You live completely in the moment!

No Schedules Currently Available.