Adobe Illustrator – For Fashion Design
Class Description
Learn all of the basic tools and functions used in the fashion industry for Adobe Illustrator.
Topics that will be covered will include:
Creating brush files
Drawing technical flat sketching
Fashion Croquis for sketching
Creating patterns and prints
Filling in illustrations with colors and prints
Creating Mood boards
Class Requirements
You will need access to Adobe Illustrator which is a subscription based service. Visit Adobe Creative Cloud to start your subscription.
Class Supplies
Computer that is compatible with Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Illustrator Software.
What supplies will I need?
You will need a working computer and access to Adobe Illustrator.
What platform will the class be held on?
We will use Zoom.
Will there be homework?
Yes you will have a few assignment due each week to make sure you are grasping the content.
Is this for beginners?
Yes I start from the very beginning to cover all the tools necessary to get you started.
I am already familiar with Adobe Illustrator should I still take the course?
I always say that there is more than one way to learn something, so you can possible pick up new tricks!
Can I take this class on my ipad?
It is highly recommended that you use your computer.